maanantai 23. joulukuuta 2013

Dismantling the engine

Yay, the building process has started with taking things apart. I'll let the pictures do the talking:
First we took off the wipers to remove their cover plastic and the hood:

Then we had a clear view of the engine bay with the fuel injector already open:

To get to the distributor, we needed to remove the front wheel, which meant that the car needed to be raised...

In surprisingly good shape, still going to be changed

Getting there...

This is where we called it a day. A disappointing amount of gunk here and there, but nothing tragic.

A little bit emptier than in the morning :)

Next time we're taking the head apart and sending it to be machined. Then the oil and coolant systems need to be flushed and after that it's all about rebuilding!
Aloitettiin eilen auton rakentaminen sen purkamisella. Moottorin ollessa auton olennaisin osa, lähdettiin siitä liikkeelle. Purettiin kone sylintereihin asti, jotta saadaan vaihdettua siitä tarvittavat osat uusiin ja heitettyä uudet tiivisteet paikalleen. Oli varsin aikaansaava päivä, kun aamulla ei oltu ihan vielä varmoja, mitä viitsii lähteä tekemään :)

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